Our policies and procedures help to embed the Potteries Educational Trust vision, ethos and development.
These documents provide a framework for our Multi Academy Trust, ensuring that the quality of education to students is outstanding, inclusive of all and comprehensive, and that each academy provides a safe place for students to feel welcome, to express themselves freely and to enjoy an education that goes beyond qualifications.
Each of our policy documents, available from the list below, clearly explains the purpose of the policy and associated procedures and which areas of our Trust they apply to. Policies specific to our academies are available on the academy website.
- PET Anti-Bribery and Fraud Policy 2024-2026
- PET Charging and Remissions Policy 2024-2026
- PET Gifts and Hospitality Policy 2024-2026
- PET Investment Policy 2024-2026
- PET Lettings Policy 2023-2025
- PET Procurement Policy 2024-2026
- PET Reserves Policy 2024-2026